Women’s Ministry

Sometimes it helps to be a part of a group of women who are where you are, who’ve been where you’ve been, and who can learn with you and support you in your place in life.  The Women’s Ministry is where this happens. Some of our ministries include:

Bible Study

Women gather at various times throughout the week to study the Word of God and grow together increasing their knowledge and understanding of Him. It’s a place where you can meet and grow with friends and learn how to apply God's Word to your life.

Card Ministry

Greeting cards are a wonderful way to provide encouragement to one-another. This ministry exists to do just that. You can join other women who meet regularly writing and sending cards to let someone know they are thought of.

Take Them a Meal

Is a ministry where members of UPC have the opportunity to come alongside others in their time of need by providing meals for them. Whether you help lead this effort or participate bringing a meal, this is one way of serving others.

Ornament Exchange

Every year, during the Christmas season, women gather together in fellowship and share a special ornament with one another that reflects God's work in their own life or what He has taught them in the past year. This is a special time of reflection!

Women Gathering Together

UPC women participate in local women conferences and have women-only fellowship events like painting classes and craft to-dos. Sometimes they even get together just to encourage one another and laugh together in the midst of busy lives. Be a part of this.

If you are a woman interested in any of these ministries, please click here to share your interest.

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